No cash dispensed withdrawing Smart Money from RCBC

One thing that I have learned from withdrawing cash from the ATM machine was never try withdrawing it using a different ATM machine. Expected the unexpected as what they say. If you're using BDO ATM, then visit the nearest BDO ATM machine. If BPI, then withdraw it from the BPI ATM machine.

It happened last month when I had a bad experience withdrawing my cash using my Smart Money from RCBC Bank. I tried withdrawing but NO CASH DISPENSED from the ATM machine.

Well, it was started when I also had an issue with BDO when I inserted my Smart Money card. They were not able to read my card. So, I decided to transfer from the other ATM machine which is RCBC Savings Bank.

Fortunately, they did return the debited amount from my account. :) How?

You can read my full story here - Withdrawn from RCBC bank but no cash dispensed

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